Our Work

As a boutique consulting firm to government clients, we provide a focused objective to modernize inefficient or outdated processes, while safeguarding payment controls.  We are uniquely qualified with expertise in specialty areas - reverse auction services in the procurement space, contract compliance in the field of auditing and project management covering a broad area of specialized government services and facilities.

Icon of an auction gavel and an arrow, representing reverse auctions..

Reverse Auctions

  • Providing RA services for the city’s water purification chemical procurement, which has included 16 chemical contracts resulting in a net savings of approximately $50k.

  • PGS, in conjunction with its technology partner, performed real time reverse auction services for the City of Los Angeles for a broad spectrum of goods and supplies including battery systems, silk screen services, electricity, sports equipment, fuel, paint, graphic controls, key code media and electronic devices, among others.  The Reverse Auction process allows for the City to achieve real time market rate pricing through a proprietary web based online platform.  Pricing is submitted by multiple vendors during the prescribed auction period, enabling the submission of descending prices during the auction, until such time as the final lowest bid is submitted.  Auction pricing ensures that the City obtains the current market price compared to static paper bids submitted under the traditional government format.

  • PGS, in conjunction with its technology partner performed online real time reverse auction services for the City of Chicago police pursuit vehicles in accordance with City specifications.  The Reverse Auction process allowed for the City to obtain pricing information from vendors on a web based online platform where multiple vendors are able to submit descending pricing, multiple times with a prescribed time period.  All that is required to participate as a vendor is an internet connection.  Real time pricing allows for actual competitive market rate prices, while allowing for all other required existing government award procedures and processes to remain in place.  Auction pricing ensures that the City obtains the current market price compared to static paper bids submitted under the traditional government format.

Icon of two people speaking, representing project consulting.


  • PGS performs on site auditing and contract compliance services for the City’s Department of Aviation.  As one of the country’s leading airports, O’Hare International Airport executes hundreds of contracts for construction and related services.  PGS auditors ensure that all vendor invoices comply exactly with the terms and conditions of its contract.  Audit exception reports and inquiries are created as necessary, and final invoice approvals are authorized upon audit compliance. These processes ensure that the City expenditures are in line with budgets and contracted services.

Icon of a magnifying glass and report, representing audits.

Project Consulting

  • Chicago Transit Authority ("CTA'') transitioned to a non-proprietary, open fare payment and collection system eliminating major capital investment to an aging infrastructure and providing access to private capital to fund the purchase of equipment, software, and marketing necessary to transition to an open system. As a co-financial advisor and partner of the CTA's financial advisory team, PGS supported work in developing a CTA "Smart Card" or open fare media program for the CTA, assisting in the preliminary valuation and options assessment, bidding and selection, negotiation and selection of private partners to development, initial services and full roll out of the system.

  • Los Angeles Convention Center | Privatization of the City’s Convention Center -PGS prepared a Request for Proposal to contract with a private operator to perform the day to day operations and management of the LACC. Consulted extensively on the development of a Project Plan and Timeline, provided overall management of the RFP process, coordinated contract negotiations for the private operator of the LACC, providing technical assistance with respect to the management agreement and assisted in the transition process to private management.

    Alternate Convention Center Business Model and Enhanced Governance Model | Provided guidance, developed new policies and procedures, participated in stakeholder meetings, revised existing policies related to the sales and operation and transition to privatization of the LACC and an Enhanced Governance Model.

    Event Center Design | Consulting services related to design review and spatial interaction between the Event Center and the new and retrofitted LACC, from concept design phase through final design. 

  • Capital Funding Advisor | as sub-consultant to PFM we submitted a comprehensive report detailing comparative analysis and providing a recommendation for the development of a Capital Funding Strategy for its 5-Year Capital Plan.  The report also included a funding and project delivery approach for the new Malcolm X College being built in conjunction with preliminary design and construction management services by its Design Build Team. Recommendations were based on a qualitative and quantitative assessment of the various financing vehicles in the context of CCC’s objectives and legal considerations. With respect to the Malcolm X project, comparisons of traditional financing and a design/bid/build approaches to innovative project delivery models such as Design/Build and Performance Based Infrastructure were evaluated. The traditional financing mechanisms reviewed included, tax-exempt bonds, leasing structures; and other funding opportunities.

    Investment Policy Consultant |Services for funds designated by CCC, performing quarterly reviews of its investment policy vis a vis the Public Funds Investment Act and providing recommendations, as necessary.

    Financial Advisory Services | Assisting a co-Financial Advisor to manage the bond financing process in connection with CCC Capital Improvement Plan. Identifying opportunities to leverage grants or other funding streams and assisted in the underwriter RFP process.

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